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Selected Research Publications (past 6 years)

Students and staff from Klingeman lab are underlined. ** indicates M.S./Ph.D. committee member


  1. Smith, Z., G. Pietsch, C. Richards, M. Ony, C. Hale, W. Klingeman, M. Staton, D. Hadziabdic, and J. Granger. 2023. Characterization and development of 14 microsatellite markers for Mountain Stewartia (Stewartia ovata), an uncommon, Appalachian-endemic tree in the Tea family. J. For. Res. DOI:
  2. Kapoor, B., A. J. Onufrak, W. E. Klingeman, J. M. Debruyn, M. A. Cregger, E. Willcox, R. Trigiano, and D. Hadziabdic. 2023. Responses of bacterial and fungal communities of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) to prescribed fire and implications for forest management. PeerJ 11:e15822.
  3. Reyes, A.M., Z.C. Smith, A.J. Onufrac, G.M. Pietsch, M.A. Ony, M.E. Odoi, S. Khodaei, C.J. Smallwood, W.E. Klingeman, and D. Hadziabdic. 2023. First report of Bot Canker (Diplodia corticola) in Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) in Tennessee. Plant Disease


  1. Chahal, K.**, R. Gazis, W. Klingeman, P. Lambdin, J. Grant, M. Windham, and D. Hadziabdic. 2022. Differential virulence among Geosmithia morbida isolates collected across the U.S. occurrence range of thousand cankers disease. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5: 726388 https://doi 10.3389/ffgc.2022.726388
  2. Onufrak, A.J.**, M.A. Ony**, M.E. Odoi, C.J. Dugger, G.M. Pietsch, E.F. Phillips, J.F. Grant, W.E. Klingeman, and D. Hadziabdic. 2022. First report of Diplodia corticola causing dieback of white oak (Quercus alba) in Tennessee. Plant Disease.
  3. Pietsch, G.M., R. Gazis, W.E. Klingeman, M. Huff, M. Staton, M. Kolařík, and D. Hadziabdic. 2022. Characterization and microsatellite marker development for Geosmithia obscura, a common bark and ambrosia beetle associate. MicrobiologyOpen.
  4. Sapkota, S.**, S.L. Boggess, R.N. Trigiano, W.E. Klingeman, D. Hadziabdic, D.R. Coyle, and M. Nowicki. 2022. Microsatellite loci reveal high genetic diversity, mutation, and migration rates as invasion drivers of Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) in the southeastern United States. Frontiers in Genetics 13: 861398.


  1. Moore, P.A.**, P.A. Wadl, R.N. Trigiano, J.A. Skinner, and W.E. Klingeman (2021) Pollinators and other floral visitors to Pityopsis ruthii (Asteraceae: Asterales), an endangered aster native to the Southern Appalachians. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 93(4): 327-347.
  2. Stackhouse T, Boggess S, Hadziabdic D, Trigiano R, Ginzel M, Klingeman W (2021) Conventional gel electrophoresis and taqman probes enable rapid confirmation of thousand cankers disease from diagnostic samples. Plant Disease 105(10): 3171-3180.
  3. Stowell, D.R.**, M.J. Fly, W.E. Klingeman, C.A. Beyl, A.J. Wozencroft, D.L. Airhart, and P.J. Snodgrass (2021) Current state of the horticultural therapy profession in the United States. HortTechnology:
  4. Hamm T**, Nowicki M, Boggess S, Klingeman W, Hadziabdic D, Huff M, Staton M, Trigiano R (2021) Development and characterization of 15 novel genomic SSRs for Viburnum farreri. Plants 10: 487.
  5. Sapkota S**, Boggess S , Trigiano R, Klingeman W, Hadziabdic D, Coyle D, Olukolu B, Kuster R, Nowicki M (2021) Microsatellite loci reveal diversity of Asian Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) in the species native range and in the North American cultivars. Life 11 (6): 531.
  6. Ony M**, Klingeman W, Zobel J, Trigiano R, Ginzel M, Nowicki M, Boggess S, Everhart S, Hadziabdic D (2021) Genetic diversity in North American Cercis canadensis reveals an ancient population bottleneck that originated after the Last Glacial Maximum. Scientific Reports-Nature 11: 21803


  1. Klingeman, W. E., Juang-Horng Chong, C. Harmon, L. Ames, A.V. LeBude and P. Chandran (2020) Diagnostic service records help prioritize resource development needs for scale insect management (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea) on ornamental plants. Plant Health Progress. 21: 278-287.
  2. Ony M**, Nowicki M, Boggess S, Klingeman W, Zobel J, Trigiano R, Hadziabdic D (2020) Habitat fragmentation influences genetic diversity and differentiation: Fine‐scale population structure of Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud). Ecology and Evolution 10: 3655-3670.
  3. Onufrak A**, Williams G, Klingeman W, Cregger M, Klingeman D, DeBruyn J, Ginzel, M, Hadziabdic D (2020) Regional differences in the structure of Juglans nigra phytobiome reflect geographical differences in Thousand Cankers Disease severity. Phytobiomes Journal 4(4): 388-404.
  4. Strange, N. C.**, J. K. Moulton, E. C. Bernard, W. E. Klingeman, B. J. Sampson, and R. N. Trigiano (2020) Floral visitors of Helianthus verticillatus, a rare sunflower species in the southeastern United States. HortScience 55(12): 1980-1986.
  5. Toennisson, A. T.**, W.E. Klingeman, and K.M. Vail (2020) Odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), colony movement in response to moisture, shade, and food proximity. Environ. Entomol. 49(6): 1263-1269.
  6. McDermott-Kubeczko, M.E., J. Juzwik, S.E. Reed, and W.E. Klingeman (2020) Branch colonizing fungi associated with damage on branches of eastern black walnut in Indiana, Missouri, and Tennessee. Plant Health Progress 21: 135-141.


  1. Chahal K**, Gazis R, Klingeman W, Hadziabdic D, Lambdin P, Grant J, Windham M (2019) Assessment of alternative candidate subcortical insect vectors from walnut crowns in habitats quarantined for Thousand Cankers Disease. Environmental Entomology 48(4): 882-893.
  2. Klingeman W, Bernard E, Boggess S, Pietsch G, Hadziabdic D, Trigiano R (2019) First Report of Honeysuckle leaf blight on Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) caused by Insolibasidium deformans in Tennessee. Plant Disease:
  3. Yates, D.I.**, B.H. Ownley, N. Labbe, J.J. Bozell, W.E. Klingeman, E.K Batson, and K.D. Gwinn (2019) Sciadopitys verticillata resin: Volatile components and impact on plant pathogenic and foodborne bacteria. Molecules 24(20): 3767.
  4. Seybold, S. J., W. E. Klingeman III, S. M. Hinushima, T. W. Coleman, and A.D. Graves (2019) Status and impact of walnut twig beetle in urban forests, native forests, and orchards. J. Forestry 117(2): 152-163.
  5. Klingeman, W. E., E. C. Bernard, S. L. Boggess, G. M. Pietsch**, D. Hadziabdic and R. N. Trigiano (2019) First report of honeysuckle leaf blight on Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) caused by Insolibasidium deformans in Tennessee. Plant Disease. 103(4): 772
  6. Pothula, R.**; D. Shirley, O. P. Perera, W. E. Klingeman; H. M. Y. Abd-Elgaffar; B. R. Johnson, and J. L. Jurat-Fuentes (2019) The digestive system in Zygentoma as a model for high cellulase activity. PlosOne: 14(2): e0212505.


  1. Klingeman W. E., E. C. Bernard, S. L. Boggess, G. M. Pietsch, and R. N. Trigiano (2018) First report of powdery mildew on mountain-mints (Pycnanthemum sp.) caused by Golovinomyces monardae in the United States. Plant Disease 102(9): 1849.
  2. Gazis R, Poplawski L, Boggess S, Klingeman W, Boggess S, Trigiano R, Graves A, Seybold S, Hadziabdic D (2018) Mycobiota associated with insect galleries in walnut with thousand cankers disease reveals a potential natural enemy against Geosmithia morbida.Fungal Biology 122(4): 241-253.
  3. Oren E**, Klingeman W, Gazis R, Moulton J, Lambdin P, Coggeshall M, Hulcr J, Seybold S, Hadziabdic D (2018) A novel molecular toolkit for rapid detection of the pathogen and primary vector of thousand cankers disease. PLOS One13(1): e0185087.
  4. Pivar, R. J.**, L. C. Pinho, W. E. Klingeman, J. K. Moulton, and B. J. Sinclair (2018) A new genus and the first record of the family Thaumaleidae (Diptera) from Brazil. Canadian Entomologist 150(4): 481-494.
  5. Brand, P., H. M., Robertson, W. Lin, R. Pothula**, W. E. Klingeman, J. L. Jurat-Fuentes, B. R. Johnson (2018) The origin of the odorant receptor gene family in insects. eLife 7:e38340
  6. Blood B, Klingeman W, Paschen M, Hadziabdic D, Couture J, Ginzel M (2018) Behavioral responses of Pityophthorus juglandis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) to volatiles of black walnut and Geosmithia morbida, the causal agent of thousand cankers disease. Environmental Entomology 47(2): 412-421.

Selected Other Publications

  1. Klingeman, W.E., A.M. Bray, J.B. Oliver, C.M. Ranger, and D.E. Palmquist (2017) Trap style, bait, and height deployments in black walnut tree canopies help inform monitoring strategies for bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Environmental Entomology 46(5): 1120-1129.
  2. Klingeman, W.E., N.N. Youssef, J.B. Oliver and J.P. Basham (2017) The Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Tennessee: Distribution, seasonal adult activity and new state records. Florida Entomologist 100(2): 292-302.
    Supplemental Data: Table 3 (26 pp.) & Suppl. Figs 1-231 (17 pp.)                                    
  3. Audley, J.**, W.E. Klingeman, A. Mayfield III, S. Meyers and A. Taylor (2017) Pityophthorus juglandis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) colonization of Juglans nigra nursery trees. Journal of Insect Science 17(3): 1-9. http://doi:10.1093/jisesa/iex046
  4. Moore, P.A.**, P.A. Wadl, J.A. Skinner, W.E. Klingeman, A.J. Dattilo (2016) Current
    knowledge, threats and future efforts to sustain populations of Pityopsis ruthii (Asteraceae), an endangered southern Appalachian species. J. Torrey Bot. Sci. 143(3): 117-134
  5. Audley, J., A.E. Mayfield III, S.W. Meyers, A. Taylor and W.E. Klingeman (2016)
    Phytosanitation methods influence post-treatment colonization Juglans nigra logs by
    Pityophthorus juglandis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 109(1): 213-221.
  6. Dean D**, Wadl P, Hadziabdic D, Klingeman W, Ownley B, Rinehart T, Dattilo A, Scheffler B, Trigiano R (2015) Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure for the US native shrub Viburnum rufidulum in Tennessee and Kentucky. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 140(6): 523–531.
  7. Klingeman, W.E., J.A. Hansen**, J.P. Basham, J.B. Oliver, N.N. Youssef, W. Swink, C.A. Nalepa, D.C. Fare, and J.K. Moulton. 2015. Seasonal flight activity and distribution of metallic wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) collected in North Carolina and Tennessee. Florida Entomologist 98(2): 579-587.
    Supplemental Data: Table 1 (11 pp.) & Suppl. Figs 1-3 (6 pp.),
    Map Supplements for the Metallic Woodboring Beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Tennessee. Figs 1-107 (9 pp.):
  8. Fulcher, A., N. Ward Gauthier, W. Klingeman, F. Hale. 2015. Blueberry culture and pest, disease, and abiotic disorder management during nursery production in the southeastern U.S.: A review. J. Envir. Hort.: 33(1): 33-47.
  9. Hansen, J.A., J.K. Moulton, W.E. Klingeman, J.B. Oliver, M.T. Windham, R.N. Trigiano, and M.E. Reding (2015) Molecular phylogeny of Chrysobothris femorata species group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 108(5): 950-963.
  10. Frank, S.D., W.E. Klingeman, S.A. White, and A. Fulcher (2013) Biology, injury, and management of maple tree pests in nurseries and urban landscapes. J. Integrated Pest Management 4(1): 1-14.
  11. Fulcher, A., W.E. Klingeman, J.-H. Chong, A. LeBude, G.R. Armel, M. Chappell, S. Frank, F. Hale, J. Neal, S. White, J. Williams-Woodward, K. Ivors, C. Adkins, A. Senesac, and A. Windham. 2012. Stakeholder vision of future direction and strategies for southeastern U.S. nursery pest research and Extension programming. Journal of Integrated Pest Management: 3(2): D1-D8.
  12. Hansen, J.A., J.P. Basham, J.B. Oliver, N.N. Youssef, W.E. Klingeman, J.K. Moulton, and D.C. Fare (2012) New state and host plant records of metallic wood boring beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Tennessee. Coleopterists Bulletin: 66(4): 1-7.
  13. Hansen, J.A., W.E. Klingeman, J.K. Moulton, J.B. Oliver, M.T. Windham, R.N. Trigiano, and A. Zhang (2012) Molecular phylogeny of Synanthedonini (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) using Cytochrome Oxidase I. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer.: 105(4): 520-528.
  14. LeBude, A., S. White, A. Fulcher, S. Frank, W. Klingeman, J.C. Chong, M. Chappell, A. Windham, K. Braman, F. Hale, W. Dunwell, J. Williams-Woodward, K. Ivors, C. Adkins, and J. Neal (2012) Assessing the integrated pest management practices of southeastern U.S. ornamental nursery operations. Pest Manage. Sci.: 68: 1278-1288.
  15. Rhoades, P.R.**, W.E. Klingeman, R.N. Trigiano, and J.A. Skinner (2011) Evaluating pollination biology of Cornus florida L. and C. kousa (Buerger ex. Miq.) Hance (Cornaceae: Cornales). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 84(4): 285-297.
  16. Willis, J.D.**, B. Oppert, C. Oppert, W.E. Klingeman, and J.L. Jurat-Fuentes (2011) Identification, cloning, and expression of a GHF9 cellulase from Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). J. Insect Physiology 57: 300-306.
  17. Oppert, C.**, W.E. Klingeman, J.D. Willis, B. Oppert, and J.L. Jurat-Fuentes (2010) Prospecting for cellulolytic activity in insect digestive fluids. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part B: Biochem. Molec. Biol. 155(2):145-154
  18. Powell, W. A., W.E. Klingeman, B.H. Ownley and K.D. Gwinn (2009) Evidence of
    endophytic Beauveria bassiana in seed-treated tomato plants acting as a systemic
    entomopathogen to larval Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. Entomol. Sci. 44:
  19. Ownley, B. H., M.R. Griffin**, W.E. Klingeman, K.D. Gwinn, J.K. Moulton and R.M. Pereira (2008) Beauveria bassiana: endophytic colonization and plant disease control. J. Invert. Pathol. 98: 267-270.
  20. Ownley, B. H., R. M. Pereira, W. E. Klingeman, N. B. Quigley, and B. M. Leckie (2004) Beauveria bassiana, a dual purpose biocontrol organism with activity against insect pests and plant pathogens. pp. 255-269. In: Emerging Concepts in Plant Health Management, R. T. Lartey and A. J. Caesar [eds]. Research Signposts, T.C. Kerala, India.
  21. Auge, R. M., A. J. W. Stodola, J. Moore, W. E. Klingeman, and X. Duan (2003) Comparative dehydration tolerance of foliage of several ornamental crops. Sci. Hort. 98: 511-516.

For complete list of publications please visit my Google Scholar.